An Earth-native anomaly or “Terranomaly,” is a word coined by Kevin Smith on his radio show about the paranormal a few years ago. The word was chosen by his good friend Jeff Byrd as the name of a new performing stage band started in late 2012 with Kevin on rhythm guitar, and Jeff on bass. Michael was added in January of 2013, and the sound was getting solidified.

The band has had members come and go. Kevin passed away in 2013, just as the band was about to do a Red Carpet event at the Hard Rock in Nashville. Kevin had only been playing guitar a year, but was cranking out riffs like nobody’s business.

Guest vocalists have done a couple of tracks, but none had the “Terranomaly” magic.

Jonathan Byrd, rhythm/lead guitar player during 2013 has decided to go back to college and get his degree. Good luck, and best wishes to you, Jon.

Drummers have come, and drummers have gone (heard that one before?), but Jeff and Michael both play drums, so the songs keep coming.

That left us with the duo that wrote, recorded, and produced the WAKE UP album.

Jeff Byrd plays every rock instrument, and has his own recording studio around Nashville.
Michael Macpherson plays every rock instrument, and has a recording studio in Sedona.

When these two combined, the writing took a new direction. There is a motivation, a message, and a drive that can’t be stopped.

Michael calls the genre “rock fugue.” You can hear elements of the greatest classic rock bands, grunge, blues, metal, and even a touch of country now and then. Often, there’s an under-beat that’s so complex, it’s hard to tell what’s going on! This sets the band apart from the many “cookie-cutter” bands of today.